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Brazil Public Holidays 2027

This page contains a national calendar of all 2027 public holidays. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates.

1 JanFriNew Year's Day
8 FebMonCarnival *
9 FebTueCarnival *
26 MarFriGood Friday *
21 AprWedTiradentes Day
1 MaySatLabour Day
27 MayThuCorpus Christi *
7 SepTueIndependence Day
12 OctTueOur Lady of Aparecida
2 NovTueAll Souls' Day
15 NovMonRepublic Day
20 NovSatBlack Consciousness Day
25 DecSatChristmas Day
The dates in this table are an estimate. We will update this page once the official public holiday dates for 2027 are released.

— Carnival, Good Friday and Corpus Christi are optional holidays, known as Ponto facultativos.